1. Digital and Online Services:

Mass Times Update on Parish Website: Keeping the parish website current with the latest schedule for Masses.

Custom Gallery at Parishlife: A personalized photo gallery to share events, activities, or memories with the parish community.

Events Calendar: An online calendar feature to list upcoming parish events, meetings, and gatherings.

Parish Contacts: A directory of contact information for parish staff, clergy, and volunteers.

Death Notices: An online section to post obituaries and announcements of parishioners who have passed away.

2. Design and Print Services:

 Graphic Design: Creating visual content for various parish needs, including digital and print materials.

 Brochure Design: Designing informative pamphlets for parish activities, programs, or general information.

Poster Design: Creating posters to advertise events, services, or special announcements within the parish.

Logo Design: Designing or redesigning the parish logo for a fresh and modern look.

Printing Services Available at Extra Cost: Offering printing options for designed materials, such as brochures, posters, and more, for an additional fee.

Some of features we cover